Another week has come and Lillie McFerrrin [ ]has given another Five Sentence Fiction prompt for us to contend with. For this week she has given us SHADOWS; and after thinking about it for the past two days, I’ve come up with the following and I’d love to hear your comments.


SHeryl has always been the nervous, and working the night shift at the all night diner in the warehouse district never helped.

And anytime she would hear a story on the radio of another woman being brutally raped her mind went wild thinking she’d be his next victims.

Damn, she would think, wondering when this would stop and the sicko get arrested.

OWning no car meant she had to walk the two lonely blocks to catch the all night bus home.

S hadows is what she feared most; because strange SHADOWS meant someone could be walking behind her, someone ready to possibly have his way with her until she would be safe on her bus going home.