I received a copy of this book from a Publisher’s giveaway on LibraryThing.com and the following is my honest opinion for the book.

Although it’s not directly stated reading this book I got the sense the storyline is actually a poignant fictionalized memoir of the author herself as there too many key points which both Binta, the girl in the story, and the author share. While a purist might say this book needs to be edited to some degree, I feel the writing as is adds to the authenticity of the story being from the girl’s POV.

Many other girls in the same position as Binta would have succumb to what the fates had in store for her, however the speck of faith she had in her heart and soul persevered and she survived. And having survived she herself, and like Lazarus rising from the dead, her life became one of commitment in helping young girls with some of the same issues she had to deal with, especially those which involve self-esteem and identity issues since she had already walked a mile in their shoes.

The title of this book truly defines what Binta had been going through, for any time she couldn’t run off to find some sort of sanctuary, the pain of the reality she had to endure took over and the hurting began.

For the message of hope written throughout the pages of this book, I’m giving Ms. Parker the 5 STARS it richly deserves.



US:  http://www.amazon.com/gp/product/1933455802


UK:   http://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1933455802